May 12, 2007

We tested 17 Professional Dye Sub Photo Printers, starting at $150 to $2890. Some are very similar; some are indeed very different and unique. Of course, depending on what you are planning to do, you should look at different aspects of those professional photo printers. If you are a professional photographer with substantial profit margins you might be looking more at quality and functionality, where as if you are a retail outlet you might be more interested in cost per print, speed and multiple image sizes. In order to be objective and impartial, we focused in characteristics that could be measured: Cost per Print and Speed.


  1. Soy un cliente de El Salvador.
    Hace un mes que inverti en un :
    DPS Kiosco Mitsubishi 7000.
    Ha sido un exito y estoy considerando comprar otro para el mes entrante.
    La calidad es muy buena y la reaccion de mi clientela me a dajado muy contento. Gracias por
    haberme ayudado en las compras a
    Photofusion y Image Pro Internacional. Su personal de ventas muy profesionales y atentos.
    Leonidas Navarro
    Santa Tecla, El Salvador

  2. Hello:
    I am a photographer concidering
    printing my own large format images
    on canvas. Can anyone with similar
    situation contact me?
    I would apreciate your imput,
    Mat Hinkel
    O. Photographer

  3. To: Mat Hinkel
    From: Joe

    I can guide you with your new
    First of all: You are in the right track by keeping control of your own printing and minimizing your cost as well as maximizing your professional service for your customers. And also , expediting your turnaround time once your customers place an order.
    Here is my
    e-mail: Joe
    I'll be happy to make some rocomendations on large format printers and brands.

